Finding God's acceptance in the LGBT Community

Archive for September, 2013


What Color is God’s Skin?

Hello blog fans! My apologies for not posting, life has thrown me some curve balls, but I’m back and ready to start posting regularly again. I’m still working on some other avenues to take the blog and still looking for some content to add to the blog, but for now I wanted to leave you with a song that has been close to my heart for a long time. The song was written for an organization called Up with People ( I traveled with this organization many years ago and my time with them taught me many things, among them, that it was okay to be me, and okay to be gay. I want to share this with you and I hope that it touches you and stays with you as it has with me.

God bless!

(Thomas Wilkers, David Stevenson)

(verses spoken on some versions)
Good Night I said to my little son
So tired out when the day was done
Then he said, as I tucked him in
Tell me, Mommy…What Color is God’s Skin?

What color is God’s skin?
What color is God’s skin?
I said it’s black, brown, it’s yellow… it’s red, it is white
Every man’s the same in the good Lord’s sight.

He looked at me with those shining eyes
I knew that I could tell no lies
He said Mommy tell me why the different races fight
If we’re the same in the good Lord’s sight?


“Son, he said, that is part of our suffering past
But the whole human family is learning at last
That the thing we missed on the road we trod
Was to walk as the daughters and the sons of God