Finding God's acceptance in the LGBT Community

Posts tagged ‘LBGT Christians’

A Call… Quite Literally

About a week or so ago, I got a facebook message from a friend of mine who remembered I’d started this blog. This friend and I went to church with a few years ago. She’s working on her doctorate (she’s wicked smart) in Pastoral Counseling and is putting together a presentation on the GLBT Community and Faith based issues. When she contacted me, I wondered what it was I could have to offer. Yes, I have quite an interesting past with “The Church” and I’ve started this blog as a way to talk about that past. Then I got to thinking, that’s exactly the problem! We don’t talk about this! We as Gay Christians either stopped going to church, or we go to blend into the mainstream congregations. In the broad spectrum of churches, there are very few churches that are like MCC and are specifically “gay.” So, I agreed to meet with her to help in any way I could.

We talked and talked as the hours passed and I believe that she helped me as much as I helped her, probably more. We talked a lot about what would make the GLBT Community comfortable in any welcoming church, and what a welcoming church looked like, versus what it could look like. What would make our community keep going back to church (in numbers)? What makes church uncomfortable for the GLBT Community? I learned about Reconciling United Methodists and Jesuit Catholics, and we talked about how churches differ from the churches we grew up in. I went home with some literature to read, a head full of thoughts, and an inspiration that has transformed itself into a new project. There will be more to come, in time, about this new project. For now, I would LOVE your feedback on the above questions. Post your comments below or email them to

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And I would like to extend a million THANKS to my friend who has inspired me!

Tell Me All Your Thoughts of God

So you’ve read all about me, what I’ve been through, and how I became the Christian I am. The purpose of this blog was originally to share stories of our faith as LGBT Christians so that other members of our LGBT Community can feel confident knowing that the Christian Community is an open and welcome place for everyone. God’s love is unconditional. I have never believed that God would forsake me, abandon me, or damn me to Hell for being the lesbian He created me to be. 

Please share your stories with me at 
These stories will be shared on the blog anonymously and will help LGBT people everywhere know that they are loved for who they are.