Finding God's acceptance in the LGBT Community

I was curious to see who else was out on wordpress spreading the Word that God loves ALL His Children, Gay, Straight, Bisexual, Lesbian, and Transgendered equally. I found this post in my search and wanted to share it with all of you. I think its a great story.

That Girl Has Got an Opinion

Just read this story in the news about a Christian group that showed up to Chicago Gay Pride holding signs apologizing for other Christians who have hurt the people there in the past. I was literally crying as I read this. It’s one thing to claim that you “don’t have anything against gay people” or that you should “love the sinner, hate the sin.” These people actually took compassion so far as to acknowledge the pain and humiliation that they may have caused others in the past, and to apologize for that. I just think it’s an incredible testament to the true love and compassion of Christ that Christians are supposed to embody, and just reading about this really felt incredible.

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